
The Ilograph Spec

Note: this spec was last updated on March 18, 2025.

Top-level properties

property description type required
resources An array of resources (the resource tree) array no
perspectives An array of perspectives array no
imports An array of imports array no
contexts An array of contexts array no
description A description of the diagram that appears at the top of the overview page. Has support for markdown, and can contain multiple lines. string no
defaultContextDisplayName The display name of the default context string no


Resources are the building blocks of Ilograph diagrams. Resources can appear in multiple perspectives.

property description type required
name The name of the resource. Used as the identifer of the resource if id is not provided. If name contains a restricted character (/, ^, *, [, ], or ,), id must be defined. string yes
subtitle The subtitle of the resource (appears below the resource name) string no
description The description of the resource (appears below the resource subtitle when focused). Has support for markdown. Descriptions can contain multiple lines or be defined as key-value pairs. string|object no
color The text color of the resource. Can be any X11 color name or hex (e.g. #FF00FF). Defaults to dimgray. This color is inverted when dark mode is enabled by the user string no
backgroundColor The background color of the resource. Can be any X11 color name or hex (e.g. #FF00FF). Defaults to white. This color is inverted when dark mode is enabled by the user string no
style The resource border style. When set to plural, the resource is rendered as multiple boxes. When set to dashed, the resource border is rendered as a dashed line. When set to outline, the resource border is rendered as a solid line. When set to flat, no border is rendered. Accepted values are default, plural, dashed, outline, and flat. Defaults to default string no
abstract When set to true, other resources may inherit from this resource using instanceOf (see below). Abstract resources cannot be referenced directly in perspectives boolean no
instanceOf When specified, this resource inherits all properties (other than id/name) and child resources of the specified abstract resource. Any additional properties specified, including children, will override the inherited property value string no
children An array of child resources array no
icon An icon path string no
iconStyle Controls how the icon is rendered. If set to default the icon is rendered normally. If set to silhouette, the icon is rendered as an outline in the same color as the resource text. Defaults to default string no
url A URL for the resource. If defined, a “link” icon linking to the URL appears in the resource when it is selected string no
layout A layout object no
id An substitute identifier for the resource. Cannot contain /, ^, *, [, ], or , characters string no


Each perspective in an Ilograph diagram gives a unique view of the relations between the diagram’s resources.

property description type required
id A unique identifier for the perspective. If not provided, the name property is used as the perspective identifer string no
name The name of the perspective. Used as the unique identifer of the perspective if id is not provided string yes
notes Notes that appear in the notes panel when viewing the perspective, and in the overview page. Should be used to describe the perspective. Has support for markdown, and can contain multiple lines. string no
color The color of the perspective. Can be any X11 color name or hex (e.g. “#FF00FF”). Defaults to royalblue string no
extends The previously-defined perspective (or comma-separated perspectives) that this perspective extends. When specifying multiple perspectives to extend, they are applied in the order they are specified. Values from perspectives listed later take precedence. string no
relations An array of relations array no
sequence A sequence object object no
aliases An array of aliases array no
overrides An array of overrides array no
walkthrough An array of slides array no
defaultArrowLabel The default label for relation/step arrows that don’t have a label specified string no
defaultArrowColor The default color for relation/step arrows that don’t have a color specified string no
arrowDirection The default arrow direction for relations. The direction specified is relative to the perspective’s orientation. Individual relations can override this value by specifying their own relation value. Accepted values are forward, backward, and bidirectional. Defaults to forward. Does not affect sequence perspectives string no
orientation Which direction the perspective is oriented. Accepted values are leftToRight, topToBottom, and ring. Defaults to leftToRight. Does not affect sequence perspectives string no
additionalContext What additional context, if any, to show in this perspective. Accepted values are all, none, super-only and sub-only. Defaults to super-only. Read more about controlling context. string no
unwrapContext If true, context resources may be ommited to ensure that relation arrows always flow in the specified arrowDirection. If false, resources always appear in their parent context resource, and arrow directions will automatically reverse to accomodate this. Defaults to false. Does not affect sequence or ring perspectives boolean no
deduplicateImportedResources If true, resources that are imported multiple times will be de-duplicated in this perspective. If false, every imported instance of a resource will appear as a unique resource. Defaults to true. boolean no
hidden If true, the perspective is not shown in the perspective list boolean no


Relations define how resources are related to each other in the perspective. Perspectives with relations are relation perspectives. Each relation must define from or to.

property description type required
from The identifier (or comma-separated identifiers) of the dependent (left-side) resource(s) in this relation. Can refer to resource ids or alias ids string no
to The identifier (or comma-separated identifiers) of the independent (right-side) resource(s) in this relation. Can refer to resource ids or alias ids string no
label The label that appears above the arrow(s) in this relation string no
description The extended description that appears when the user’s mouse hovers over the arrow(s) in this relation. Has support for markdown, and can contain multiple lines. string no
arrowDirection The arrow direction for this relation. The direction specified is relative to the perspective’s orientation. Accepted values are forward, backward, and bidirectional. Defaults to forward. string no
color The arrow and text color of the relation. Can be any X11 color name or hex (e.g. #FF00FF). Defaults to #303030. This color is inverted when dark mode is enabled by the user string no
secondary If true, the relation will not affect the perspective’s layout. Does not affect ring perspectives. Defaults to false. boolean no


When sequence is set in a perspective, the sequence defines how resources are related in a sequence of steps in the perspective. Perspectives with sequence defined are sequence perspectives.

property description type required
start The identifier of the starting resource in the sequence string yes
steps An array of steps array no


The steps in a sequence defines the steps between resources in the sequence and their labels. Each step must define to, toAndBack, toAsync, or restartAt.

property description type required
to The identifier of the resource this step of the sequence is to string no
toAndBack The identifier of the resource this step of the sequence is to. A second step back to the previous resource is automatically added string no
toAsync The identifier of the resource this step of the sequence is to. Unlike with to, however, control is not passed to the new step. Async steps are drawn with dashed arrows string no
restartAt The identifier of the resource to pass control to without drawing an arrow. The next step will originate from this resource string no
label The label that appears above the arrow of this step string no
description The extended description that appears when the user’s mouse hovers over the arrow of this step. Has support for markdown, and can contain multiple lines. string no
bidirectional If true, arrow(s) for this step are show with arrowheads on both ends. Defaults to false. boolean no
color The arrow and text color of the step. Can be any X11 color name or hex (e.g. #FF00FF). Defaults to #303030. This color is inverted when dark mode is enabled by the user string no


Perspective aliases are used to give a convenient names to resource reference(s). Read more about aliases.

property description type required
alias The identifier for this alias. Can be used to override an existing resource id. Cannot contain /, ^, *, [, ], or , characters string yes
for The value of this alias. Typically is a comma-seperated list of identifiers string yes


Perspective overrides are used to override parent of resources in a perspective. This is handy for showing resources in different contexts.

property description type required
resourceId The resource identifier (or comma-separated identifiers) to override string yes
parentId Specify to assign a different parent to this resource for the perspective, or none to assign no parent string no
scale Specify to scale the size of this resource for the perspective. Read more about scaling number no


Slides together form the walkthrough for a perspective.

property description type required
text The text accompanying the slide. If not present, the previous slide’s text is used. Has support for markdown, and can contain multiple lines. string no
select The resource identifier (or comma-separated identifiers) to select. Selected resource(s) are displayed more prominently, and unrelated resource are hidden. If not present, the previous slide’s select value is used. Use ^ to not select any resource. string no
expand The resource identifier to expand (make full-screen). If not present, the previous slide’s expand value is used. Use ^ to not expand any resource. string no
highlight The resource identifier (or comma-separated identifiers) to highlight. Highlighted resource(s) have an animated border, and unrelated resource are faded out string no
detail The level of detail used during the slide. Can be between 0.001 (very low detail) and 1 (full detail). Defaults to 1 if not present number no


Each context defines a context for a diagram.

property description type required
name The name of the context. Must be unique and cannot be “Default” string yes
roots An array of Context Entries array no
extends The previously-defined context (or comma-separated contexts) that this context extends string no
hidden If true, the context is not shown in the context dropdown boolean no

Context Entry

Context entrys form a tree-like structure for defining a context.

property description type required
resourceId The identifier (or comma-separated identifiers) for this entry string yes
children An array of child context entries. Cannot be defined if more than one resource is specified in resourceId array no


These parameters govern how child elements are laid out inside of a parent.

property description type required
compactness A number from 0.1 to 1 indicating how compactly child resources are rendered. Affects only context resources with more than one child. Defaults to 1 number no
sizes If set to proportional, child resource sizes are always proportional to the number of resources they are related to. If set to uniform, all children always have the same size. If set to auto, the layout engine automatically chooses on a per-perspective basis. Defaults to auto string no


Imports define a list of diagrams to import and their namespaces. See imports for more information.

property description type required
from The diagram to import string yes
namespace Namespace prefix for imported resources and perspectives. Cannot contain restricted characters (/, ^, *, [, ], or ,) string yes