
Ilograph September Update

August was a busy month for Ilograph. Closed beta is nearing completion and adoption has been strong. The direct feedback you have given has been extremely valuable. Thank you to everyone who has been in touch!

Additionally, the amazing diagrams you all have created have helped highlight strengths and expose bugs and shortcomings in the product. In all, the closed beta has been a huge success.

Thanks to the aforementioned feedback, Ilograph has seen a number of improvements in the past month. Here are the highlights:

Editing autocomplete

This is a big one. The editor now has contextual autocomplete:

Autocomplete makes editing Ilograph diagrams much, much easier. If you haven’t tried it yet with your diagram, I urge you to give it a shot.

Level-of-detail control

When presenting your architecture, you’ll often want to show things from a high-level, without the details. The new level-of-detail slider (located in the topbar) allows you to control how much detail to show in all of your perspectives:

This new control adds a whole new dimension to your diagram with no additional effort. If nothing else, dragging the slider back and forth is just plain fun :)

Top-to-bottom layout

Perspectives can now be rendered top-to-bottom:

Set orientation: topToBottom in your perspective to enable this. Top-to-bottom rendering is perfect for showing dependency perspectives.

As usual, there were a significant number of smaller improvements and bug fixes released throughout the month.

What’s next?

While August was a busy month for Ilograph from a product perspective, September’s focus will be on preparing for open beta. Additionally, I hope to roll out early versions of history, collaboration and sharing functionality. Have an idea to make Ilograph better? Just let me know at or @ilographs on twitter.

Get started with Ilograph

If you don’t have a beta account yet, sign up now on the Ilograph home page.