Ilograph 1.5.8 Release Notes
Note: Starting with release 1.5.8, release announcements will be posted to the Ilograph blog. Release announcements prior to this version can be be found on the Ilograph Twitter account. Release information specific to Ilograph Desktop can be found in the release notes.
Ilograph 1.5.8 is now available in all environments (web, desktop, and Confluence Cloud). It is a small maintenance release with the following enhancements and fixes:
Fixed resources not forming tiles when stacked with similar resources
Previously, if resources were stacked together, they would not form into tiles when space got tight. This resulted in stacked resources that didn’t have visible text or icons. This is now fixed.
Fixed arrow labels not appearing from selected resource(s) to tiled resources
Previously, if a selected resource had relations to a tiled resource, the resuling arrow would be drawn faintly and without a label. Now, the arrow will be drawn normally and with a label (where applicable and when space permits).
Fixed performance issue when selecting resources in large diagrams
On very large diagrams, there was a noticeably long delay when selecting a resource. This has been fixed, with further performance improvements to come.
Happy Diagramming! If you have questions or comments, please reach out to me by email at